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Zesty Enterprises - Video Trailer

Zesty Enterprises – Trailer

Video trailer for ‘Zesty Enterprises’. Directed by Max Sobol and photographed by Rob Wilton.

Album available here.

The concept is based around one of the key themes at the heart of the album; that sense of coming out of isolation and reconnecting with the world.

Max Sobol – “We’ve all been sitting behind computer screens and looking out through windows for the last 18 months, so in order to echo that, we took a giant piece of perspex out around the streets of London. We also sprayed the surface of the perspex with water and glycerine to add a layer of abstraction and really capture that sense of distance and isolation”.

To create the effect of the music bursting through, we used a combination of projections and cymatics. Taking the original footage they had shot and projecting it onto a shallow pool of water placed on top of a subwoofer.

We played the album tracks through this, as well as various sub bass frequencies which created patterns of the surface of the water, almost like an organic graphic equaliser.

The whole project was a quasi-scientific adventure by a small team of collaborators, who braved howling winds, lashing rain and endless boxes of cornstarch to create something playful and unique.

Footage shot around Stratford, East London and The Forge, Stoke Newington.




Plus, check out this behind-the-scenes footage from the shoot…